Bees and Wasp Fun Facts

Fun Bee Facts About Bees, Beekeeping and Wasps
  • Bees can count to four
  • Honey bees fly at 15 miles per hour
  • Bees and wasps are some of the most  feared insects due to their ability to sting and their great mobility
  • Bee stings actually cause several deaths in the United States each year
  • Honey bees will travel up to 3 miles from their hive in search of food
  • There are three types of bees in a hive – Queen, Worker and Drone
  • Only the Queen in the hive lays eggs. She communicates with her hive with her own special scent called pheromones. The queen will lay around 1,500 eggs per day.
  • The worker bees are all female and they do all the work for the hive. Workers perform the following tasks inside the hive as a House Bee: Cleaning, feeding the baby bees, feeding and taking care of the queen, packing pollen and nectar into cells, capping cells, building and repairing honeycombs, fanning to cool the hive and guarding the hive.
  • Workers perform the following tasks outside the hive as Field Bees: Gathering nectar and pollen from flowers, collecting water and a sticky substance called propolis.
Bee Friendly Bee Removal Bee Facts
Bees carry pollen on their hind legs in a pollen basket or corbicula
  • Bees have two stomachs – one stomach for eating and the other special stomach is for storing nectar collected from flowers or water so that they can carry it back to their hive.
  • The male bees in the hive are called drones.  Their job in the hive is to find a queen to mate with. Male bees fly out and meet in special drone congregation areas where they hope to meet a queen. Male drone bees don’t have a stinger.
  • If a worker bee uses her stinger, it will die.
  • Honey bees have five eyes, 3 small ones on top of the head and two big ones in front
  • Honey bees wings stroke 11,400 times per minute. This is what makes their distinctive buzz
  • The only insect who produces food for humans are honeybees
  •  Honey bees never sleep!
  • Bees can recognize individual human faces
  • The only bees that die after they sting are Honey bees
  • Wasps on the other hand are able to sting repeatedly
  • Bees communicate with each other by dancing and by using pheromones
  • Brains of bees are the size of a sesame seed, which are about 20,000 times smaller than the human brain
Bee Friendly Beekeeper and Bee Removal

More Honey Bee Facts

  • Honey bees have to consume about 8 pounds of honey to produce one pound of beeswax
  • Honey bees are responsible for pollinating approximately 80% of all fruit, vegetable and seed crops in the U.S
  • Bees are a part of the third largest insect order which also includes wasps and ants
  • The female yellow jacket wasp lays both unfertilized and fertilized eggs
  • Female yellow jacket workers develop from the fertilized egg and male drones develop from the unfertilized egg
  • Bees are only able to sting once because the stinger of the bee remains in the victim’s skin. When the bee moves or is scraped away, the stinger is jerked from the bee’s body along with their venom sac causing their death

At Bee Friendly, Our Team is Experienced, Professional and Very Courteous. We are Highly Trained bee removal technicians. Our team is fully licensed, insured, and certified— ensuring that you get the best service.


We practice Eco-Friendly bee extractions when we remove bees and hives.

For the safety of you, your family, ourselves and the enviorment;

we are NOT a Pest Control Company.

we Do NOT Exterminate Bees.

There’s no job too big or too small that we’re not capable of handling.

Since 1990, we’ve continued to make customer service our top priority.

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to schedule a bee inspection and estimate of your bee removal service.

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to schedule your Bee inspection

and estimate of your bee removal service.